Humidity/Temperature (Si7020-A10-*M1*)
Data sheet
Designer guide (AN607):
Web page
Note: SiLabs seem to have EOL'ed all SI70*-A10-* chips and may be
replacing them with an A20 series. Digi-Key Mouser
Battery temperature
10 kΩ thermistor, see Description
We aren't even sure if we'll want it in the end.
Power > Batt_temp
(N900 Legacy) eMMC (32 GB; THGBM1G8D8EBAI2) Web page (Neo900) ???
Note: size still to be confirmed. Storage > eMMC
(N900 Legacy) RAM and NAND PoP (256 MB + 256 MB; KAT00F00DD-AE77) (Neo900) KCE00E00CA
RAM and NAND PoP (1 GB + 512 MB; KCE00E00CA)
Possible full name of replacement: KCE00E00CA-A506
Ticket #516 Core > RAM