The temperature sensor (TEMP SENSOR) takes the temperature sensitive node of the bandgap and outputs directly to one of the analog output capable pins.

If Enabled, the bandgap and output active buffer are forced on. For more information, see VREF0 Help Info.


Set the parameter ‘Enable temp. sensor’ to Enable.


Enable temp. sensor:

Enable or Disable this macro-cell.

Output range control:

Select the output range. From 0.62 to 0.99V or 0.75 to 1.2V.

Power down enable:

A Power Down PIN that controls both the Temp Sensor and Crystal OSC. 1 = Power UP and 0 = Power DOWN. To fully enable a block, the components must first be activated. See ‘Activation’.

No matrix PD:PD input disabled. Crystal OSC and Temp Sensor are always on.

PD for crystal OSC: Control crystal OSC’s on/off state. Temp Sensor is always on.

PD for TEMP SENSOR: Control Temp Sensor’s on/off state. Crystal OSC is always on.

PD for crystal OSC & TEMP SENSOR: Control both crystal OSC’s and Temp Sensor’s on/off state with this signal.


Output is only available on PIN 19