The Pattern Generator (PGEN) is capable of creating a repeating string of up to 16 bits that change on the rising edge of the clock input. The PGEN has three I/O: nRST (Reset), CLK (Clock input), and OUT (Output).


nRST is an active low signal. To cause the PGEN to revert back to the beginning of the sequence, nRST must go LOW. nRST has priority over the CLK input and will hold the output of the first bit of the sequence until the nRST is driven HIGH.

The CLK input will clock the PGEN block on rising edges.


Bit range:

This parameter selects the range of bits in the pattern. The maximum number of bits is 16. The parameter can be set by typing in the range, or selecting it via arrow buttons.


This parameter sets the pattern that will be output on OUT.
Clock will move the output from left to right.