ASM editor allows to configure the ASM block using state diagram and set the output configuration for ASM Output block;
ASM configuration should be applied using Apply button on the toolbar to be set to the NVM.


State colors

Green: regular state;

Blue: selected state;

Red: initial (reset) state;

Gray: state connections limit reached;


State can be moved by dragging it’s central part using left mouse button. Dragging the border circle will have no effect.

Context menu

Edit name: set state’s name;

Initial state: sets current state as initial;

Hide: hides current state.


Add/remove links

To create new link turn on ‘Set Link’ mode and click on the border circle of source state, then click anywhere on state-destination or ‘Esc’ to cancel;
To erase link – turn on ‘Erase Link’ mode and click on the link which should be erased.

Edit shape

Link’s shape sets automatically after states change their position.

Modifying of the existing shape is available in two ways:

Simple edit: one-point editing by dragging the link;

Flexible edit: two-points editing by entering in ‘Edit path’ mode using link’s context menu;

Context menu

Set Label: sets the text label onto link;

Erase Label: removes the text label;

Edit path: flexible two-point editing of link’s shape.

Outputs table

Editing values

Use single click to change value.