The truly open smartphone
that cares about your privacy.
The truly open smartphone
that cares about your privacy.
Jan 01, 2018, sn0wmonster
Since joining the Neo900 team, metacollin has been doing a terrific job of putting together the layouts and has been an undeniable asset for assisting with KiCad integration. Sadly, that participation has been cut short due to a family emergency and has been temporarily put on hold. We expect to be back in motion shortly after he returns.
We appreciate the understanding and patience of the community and look forward to making progress during this new year together. Thank you everyone for believing in this project and helping it come to fruition.
« Work begins as a new engineer comes in! Welcome metacollin!
The Neo900 project aims to provide a successor of N900 Nokia Internet Tablet™ device, with faster CPU, more RAM and LTE modem, basing efforts on an already existing, mature and stable free platform - the OpenPhoenux GTA04, following the spirit of freedom known from Openmoko devices.