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The truly open smartphone
that cares about your privacy.
Sep 29, 2016, hellekin
Hooray! Joerg received another 3 BeagleBoard xM that will be used as
"virtual SoC" for proto_v2
Six more are coming to complete the stock of 15 announced in the last
Meanwhile, schematics final cleanup and footprint validation are
Tip: we're packing as many LEDs as the chip can offer, which means
programming LED phun ahead!
Updated: BTW, Joerg received a box with 6 more BB-xM boards.
No, those are not these 6 BB-xM boards that we ordered two years ago.
Incidentally, the next day we received news from the latter lot from
Mouser, who suffered an obsolescence issue
with their supplier CircuitCo: apparently CircuitCo 'forgot' they
had discontinued the product.
Good timing!
Neo900 Freenode Group and Design Overview »
The Neo900 project aims to provide a successor of N900 Nokia Internet Tablet™ device, with faster CPU, more RAM and LTE modem, basing efforts on an already existing, mature and stable free platform - the OpenPhoenux GTA04, following the spirit of freedom known from Openmoko devices.